Once again the sun (mostly) shone for us! This time at the SW Super Counties tournament on Sunday, 1 December, kindly hosted by Cheltenham Ladies' College. 80 U15s were split into 5 even teams - Adders, Badgers, Deer, Dragons and Foxes - and they competed all day for the coveted Winners medals. The games were competitve and hard-fought as the players learned fast how to play with new teammates and for unfamiliar coaches. The results were close but the undisputed winners, who remained unbeaten, were the Adders! Congratulations to them and well played all our young talent! Huge thanks to our coaches - Matt Tolley, Tia Hislop, Jo Hucker, Abbi Willetts and Chelsea Nasmyth-Miller; to our umpires - Julian, Toby and Scott, under the expert leadership of our Lead Umpire, Annabel Campbell; to the school coaches and not least the parents for their huge support of our juniors programmes.
Invitations will go out shortly to those players who we would like to consider at trials for our U15 A and B teams who will represent South West at the National Junior Regional Championships next March.
